Fixall construction and maintenance services in Kleinmond

At Fixall building, maintenance, renovations, and handyman services, we have an experienced team of builders that can offer turnkey solutions, including waterproofing, electronic services, installing solar systems, and CCTV.
Contact Iwan today for a free quote on 0741514820


Fixall construction and maintenance services in Kleinmond Western Cape, and surrounding areas.

Have the home you want by improving, extending or maintaining it professionally.

At Fixall, we have an experienced team of builders that can offer turnkey solutions, from reading building plans, to completing the finishes you desire.

We also offer waterproofing, and electronic services such as installing solar systems and CCTV.

Contact Iwan today for a free quote on 0741514820
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Fixall construction workers waterproofing roof, laying tiles on patio and plastering a wall
