An estimate of water yield by the driller is not enough! Topline Boreholes, Gauteng

…water yield can vary depending on the time of the year, the number of new boreholes in the vicinity, the yearly changes in the annual rainfall and the local detrimental effects of increased transpiration….

An estimate of water yield by the driller is not enough! Topline Boreholes, Gauteng

Install the correct water pumping system!

A much asked questions is whether or not a borehole will always continue to have the same yield. The answer to this is “No”. The water yield can vary depending on the time of the year, the number of new boreholes in the vicinity, the yearly changes in the annual rainfall and the local detrimental effects of increased transpiration as a result of the planting of large numbers of trees.

It is for these reasons that wide safety margins are allowed when installing the correct pumping system. Therefore, unless the borehole very obviously yields far more than the end-user needs and the water has also come clear during the flushing process, always insist on having the safe water yield determined for your borehole. An estimate of the water yield by the driller is not sufficient and can be inaccurate.

If you are lucky enough to have a borehole that yields plenty of water, do not pump more than you need.

Groundwater is a very precious resource and should not be wasted

A strong water yielding borehole to advertise water pumps by Topline Boreholes
Professional water yield testing in Gauteng

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